Test of Visual Perceptual Skills Fourth Edition (TVPS-4)
Product Code : MPS8-14467
Vendor: PRO-ED
Nancy Martin
Ages: 5 through 21 years
Testing Time: 25 minutes
Administration: Individual
The TVPS-4 is the latest update of the standard comprehensive assessment of visual analysis and processing skills, and is consistent with current approaches to visual information processing used in occupational therapy, optometry, and psychology.
The TVPS-4 remains an easy-to-use assessment for determining visual-perceptual strengths and weaknesses. Norms are based on a nationally representative sample. Additional lower-level items were added to address the needs of younger or more impaired individuals, and norms now extend through 21 years of age, making the TVPS-4 useful for a wider range of examinees.
The TVPS-4 utilizes black-and-white line drawings, bound in a convenient easel-style booklet. The items are still presented in a multiple-choice format, requiring only minimal verbal or motor (pointing) responses. This format is ideal for use with individuals who have impairments in motor, speech, neurological, or cognitive functions.
The TVPS-4 now includes 18 items in each of seven perceptual areas.
- Visual Discrimination (DIS)
- Visual Memory (MEM)
- Spatial Relationships (SPA)
- Form Constancy (CON)
- Sequential Memory (SEQ)
- Visual Figure-Ground (FGR)
- Visual Closure (CLO)
Scoring is quick and uncomplicated. Raw scores are reported as scaled scores and percentile ranks for each subtest; the overall total score is reported as a standard score and percentile rank. Age equivalents are also provided for the subtest and overall scores.
COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES: Manual, Test Plates, and 25 Record forms, in portfolio. (2017)