Product Code : MPS8-11935
Vendor: PRO-ED
Donald D. Hammill+ Brian R. Bryant Description Ideal for identifying intra-individual ability strengths and weaknesses! Ages: 3-0 through 9-11 Testing Time: 15 to 45 minutes Administration: Individual The DTLA-P:3...
Donald D. Hammill+ Brian R. Bryant
Ideal for identifying intra-individual ability strengths and weaknesses!
Ages: 3-0 through 9-11
Testing Time: 15 to 45 minutes
Administration: Individual
The DTLA-P:3 is a quick, easily administered test for measuring the general aptitude of young children. It is particularly useful with low-functioning school-age children ages 3-0 through 9-11. It comprises six subtests, measuring cognitive ability in areas such as language, attention, and motor abilities. Significant improvements over the previous editions have been made. These include:
- All new normative data (collected 2001-2003).
- Characteristics of the normative sample relative to socioeconomic factors, gender, and other critical demographics are the same as those reported in the Statistical Abstract of the United States (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001) and are thereby representative of the U.S. population.
- The normative data have been stratified by age, geographic region, gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and parent education.
- All pictures have been drawn in color to present a more appealing look to children.
- Pictures are now presented to the child using an easel.
- Additional instructions have been provided for giving and scoring the digit sequences and design reproduction items.
- Interpretation sections have been expanded.
- Each item on the test has been reevaluated using both conventional item analysis to choose ""good"" statistical items and the newer differential item functioning analysis to find and eliminate biased items.
- Items have been validated by both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
- Construct-identification has been strengthened by including the studies of independent researchers.
- Evidence is provided to show that the test is reliable and valid for specific gender disability, ethnic, and racial groups, as well as for a general population.
COMPLETE DTLA-P:3 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, and 25 Response Forms, all in a sturdy storage box. ( 2005)