FRTVMI: Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration
Product Code : MPS8-11295
Vendor: Vasyli
Ages: 5-0 through 74-0
Testing Time: 5-15 minutes
Administration: Individual or group
For use by psychologists, educational diagnosticians, learning disability specialists, OTs and PTs, as well as teachers and counselors, the Full Range Test of Visual-Motor Integration (FRTVMI) is a highly reliable, valid measure of visual-motor integration skills that not only covers the full range of school ages but, unlike most other tests of VMI, includes norms appropriate for special education students in the 19-21 year age range. Its norms include adults as well as children and adolescents (i.e., a full range of individuals from 5 years through 74 years can now be assessed with a common test.)
The FRTVMI assesses the ability to accurately relate visual stimuli to motor responses. The purposes of giving the test include: (1) documenting the presence and degree of visual-motor problems in individuals, (2) identifying candidates for referral, (3) verifying the effectiveness of intervention programs, and (4) serving as a research tool. The test requires the person being tested to copy a series of increasingly complicated designs.
Key Features:
- Time and cost efficient.
- Completely nonverbal and highly useful with individuals from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
- Studies show the absence of gender and ethnic bias.
- Reliability coefficients are provided for subgroups of the normative sample (e.g., right- or left-handed dominant subgroups, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, gender subgroups) as well as for the entire normative sample.
- Appropriate for group and individual administration.
- Scoring guides with comprehensive instructions making the FRTVMI easy and rapid to score accurately (interscorer reliability coefficients exceed .90 at all ages).
- The total normative sample of 3,153 is matched to the U.S. Bureau of the Census data on socioeconomic factors, gender, ethnicity, disability, and other critical variables, making it representative of the current U.S. population.
The FRTVMI is unique among visual-motor integration tests because it gives the clinician a highly reliable, valid, and unbiased measure for assessing individuals with a wide range of visual-motor ability. Normative data were collected on 3,153 individuals from 22 states. Demographics of the sample matched those reported in the 2000 U.S. census. Three types of reliability and several validity studies were reported in the manual. This is a highly useful, highly regarded test that clinicians and researchers can use in a variety of ways.
COMPLETE FRTVMI KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, 25 Summary/Response Booklets for ages 5-10, 25 Summary/Response Booklets for 11-74, and a Scoring Transparency, all in a sturdy storage box. ( 2006)